Laurent Receives Health Canada’s Approval to Initiate P-II RESOLUTION Study Evaluating LAU-7b for COVID-19
- The company plans to initiate a P-II RESOLUTION study assessing LAU-7b in multiple hospitals in Canada and will enroll ~200 hospitalized COVID-19 patients for a treatment duration of 14 days and is expected to initiate the enrollment soon
- The focus of the study is to evaluate LAU-7b’s dual pro-resolving inflammation and antiviral activity against COVID-19. The company anticipates that the treatment has the potential to reduce the severity of the disease and to prevent its progression towards ARDS
- The RESOLUTION study follows the recommendations of WHO Master Protocol for COVID-19 clinical studies and will measure the patient’s health status on a 7-point ordinal scale as primary outcomes. The secondary outcomes include disease progression, duration of hospitalization and QoL
Click here to read full press release/ article | Ref: Laurent | Image: Laurent