Illumina Acquires Pacific Biosciences for ~$1.2B with its Sequel SMRT Technology

 Illumina Acquires Pacific Biosciences for ~$1.2B with its Sequel SMRT Technology

Illumina Acquires Pacific Biosciences for ~$1.2B with its Sequel SMRT Technology


  • Pacific to get $8.00/share making $1.2B as total deal value in cash, with its expected closure in Q2’19
  • The acquisition is a focus to combine Pacific’s Sequel SMRT Technology for expansion of its biological discovery platform by bringing short- and long-read sequencing technologies together
  • Sequel SMRT (Single-Molecule Real-Time) Technology is an automated system with integrated software, providing genetic information through long-read sequencing and accuracy

Click here to read full press release/ article | Ref: Illumina| Image: Signs Unlimited