Medtronic Launches its First App-Based Research Study to Manage Atrial Fibrillation Disease Burden

 Medtronic Launches its First App-Based Research Study to Manage Atrial Fibrillation Disease Burden


  • Medtronic Discovery app will be used to recruit participants, communicate with them, and collect data throughout large-scale clinical studies designed to be conducted remotely. The study enrolls ~5,000 patients aged≥ 22yrs. with history of AF and will include iPhone device and one of the LINQ family of ICMs
  • The study will utilize data from Medtronic insertable cardiac monitors and Medtronic Discovery app to improve AF strategies and their impact on patient outcomes, QoL, and healthcare utilization
  • The app has developed using Apple’s ResearchKit framework and integrates the HealthKit software to track health records and fitness data within the app

Click here to­ read full press release/ article | Ref: Medtronic | Image: Mission Statement Academy