Shots: The P-III YOSEMITE & RHINE studies involve assessing faricimab (6mg at personalized dosing intervals of up to 4mos. and at fixed 2mos. intervals) vs aflibercept (2mg, fixed 2mos. intervals) […]readmore
Tags : Global
Shots: The companies collaborated to evaluate ruxolitinib in combination with CK0804 in patients with MF and plan to initiate a P-Ib study. Incyte will fund the study while operationalized by […]readmore
Shots: The P-III YOSEMITE & RHINE studies assessing faricimab vs aflibercept in 1891 people living with DME. The studies include 3 treatment arms: faricimab (6mg) administered at personalized dosing intervals […]readmore
Shots: The initiation of the ENSEMBLE trial follows positive interim results of P-I/IIa study demonstrating the safety and immunogenicity of JNJ-78436735 following a single vaccination. The results have been submitted […]readmore
The concept of telemedicine has evolved in recent years. As people are demanding easier ways to avail of medical treatment and diagnosis, there have been several advances in telemedicine. Telemedicine […]readmore
Shots: UCB to receive $120M and is eligible to receive $2B as cost reimbursement, development, and commercial milestones as well as royalties on sales of the therapies, if Roche proceeds […]readmore
Shots: Sorrento enters into letter of intent to acquire SmartPharm and develops pipeline of gene-encoded therapeutic Ab, initiating with Sorrento’s STI-1499 or COVI-GUARD, currently preclinical studies with an IND submission […]readmore
Shots: BioNTech to receive $185M up front, including $72M cash & $113M equity investment, up to $563M as milestone making a total deal value $748M. The companies will equally share […]readmore
Shots: Medopod’s RPM platform will be available for NHS Trusts across the UK as well as global healthcare providers that allow doctors to track patient’s data, symptom progression and flag […]readmore
Shots: WHO convoke global research and innovation forum to be held on Feb 11-12, 2020 in Geneva for mobilization of international action in response to the coronavirus (2019-nCoV) and is […]readmore