The biopharma industry saw numerous deal terminations in 2020. Clinical and regulatory results, change in control limitations, and strategic reprioritizations were among the most common reasons for deal termination. Sanofi […]readmore
Tags : Idorsia
1. AbbVie to License I-Mab’s Lemzoparlimab (TJC4) for ~$2B Published: Sept 04, 2020 | Tags: AbbVie, License, I-Mab, Lemzoparlimab, (TJC4), ~$2B 2. Kite and HiFiBiO Therapeutics Collaborate to Develop Antibodies […]readmore
Shots: Idorsia transfers its development & commercialization agreement with ReveraGen to Santhera, whereby Santhera shall replace Idorsia as a party to the agreement. Santhera to get an exclusive license, including […]readmore
Shots: Idorsia to receive $45M upfront in cash, $365M for development & regulatory milestone, one-time sales threshold and royalties on sales. Additionally, will receive $7M in funding to discover, identify […]readmore