Shots: The voluntarily nationwide consumer level recall involves three lots of Nizatidine Capsules (including the 150mg and 300mg strengths) due to trace amounts of NDMA contained in API Nizatidine, USP, […]readmore
Tags : Lots
Shots: Novartis recalls three lots of Promacta oral suspension to the consumer level due to the presence of peanut floor contamination occurred at third-party manufacturing facility and is conducted within […]readmore
Shots: Alvogen voluntarily nationwide recalled two lots of fentanyl transdermal system 12 mcg/h transdermal patches to the consumer level due to mislabeling on cartons labeled with 12 mcg/h containing 50 […]readmore
Shots: The recall is in response to the inaccurate INR (International Normalized Ratio) results reported byCoaguChek XS PT Test Strips distributed by Terrific Care/Medex Supply including catalogue number that were […]readmore