Shots: The P-III TOURMALINE-MM2 involves assessing of Ninlaro (ixazomib) + lenalidomide and dexamethasone vs PBO + lenalidomide and dexamethasone in 705 adult patients with newly diagnosed MM patients not eligible […]readmore
Tags : Ninlaro
Shots: The P-III TOURMALINE-MM2 study involves assessing of Ninlaro + lenalidomide + dexamethasone vs PBO + lenalidomide + dexamethasone in 705 transplant-ineligible patients with newly diagnosed MM The P-III TOURMALINE-MM2 […]readmore
Shots: The P-III TOURMALINE-MM4 study involves assessing Ninlaro (ixazomib) as 1L maintenance therapy vs PBO in 706 newly diagnosed patients with multiple myeloma not treated with stem cell transplantation with […]readmore
Shots: The P-III TOURMALINE-AL1 (NCT01659658) study involves assessing of Ninlaro + dexamethasone vs dexamethasone + (melphalan/ cyclophosphamide/ thalidomide/ lenalidomide)/ monothx in patients with relapsed or refractory systemic light chain (AL) […]readmore