Shots: The NDA is based on P-III OPTIMUM study assessing ponesimod (20mg) vs Aubagio (teriflunomide, 14 mg) in patients with relapsing MS The P-III OPTIMUM study results: reduction in ARR […]readmore
Tags : Ponesimod
Shots: The MAA is based on P-III OPTIMUM study assessing Ponesimod (20mg) vs Teriflunomide (14 mg) in patients with RMS The P-III OPTIMUM study results: @108wks. 30.5% reduction in ARR; […]readmore
Shots: The P-III OPTIMUM study results involve assessing of Ponesimod (20 mg) vs Aubagio (teriflunomide, 14mg) in 1,133 patients with relapsing MS for 108wks. at 162 sites across the globe […]readmore
Shots: The P-III OPTIMUM study involves assessing of Ponesimod (20 mg) vs Aubagio (teriflunomide, 14mg) in 1,133 patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis for 108 weeks The study resulted in meeting […]readmore